Relationships and Money - EP 04


On my fourth episode of the podcast, Martinis and Your Money - Living a Better Life One Cocktail at a Time, my special guest is none other than my husband, Bill. For those of you who follow me on this blog, you know him as FB Hubby for Financially Blonde Hubby. Since I wanted to talk about relationships and money, I thought what better partner than the guy I have been in a relationship with for the past 12 years.

Podcast Notes

Bill and I began our chat with a discussion around our martini, which was the Pickle Martini. A good bartender friend introduced me to this martini a number of years ago and it's essentially a dirty martini; however, you dirty the martini with pickle juice as opposed to olive juice. If you want to make one of these at home, here's the recipe:

Pickle Martini

  • 2 oz Vodka

  • Splash of Dry Vermouth

  • 1 oz of Pickle Juice

Bill and I spoke about our different backgrounds coming into our relationship. I shared how I thought my biggest issue in finding a life partner would be finding a guy who was comfortable with the fact that I made more money than him. What Bill and I soon realized is that we had a bigger issue and that was in our money mindsets. Bill was a frugal minded person who was focused on being cost conscious, and I made money and liked to spend money.We talk about how I swayed Bill into the "dark side" where he eventually became a bad spender just like me, and he was swayed to the dark side because he couldn't say not to my cuteness. Another area that we had a big problem with was spending too much money on our friends. Bill and I discuss how we thought we were doing a great thing, and it was; however, it was not great for our finances.We share what changes we have made, though, and how we got our financial house in order. It was not without great strains on our relationship, but thankfully the two of us love to laugh and laughter is our best medicine as you hear throughout this podcast.Bill then answered my random three and it was tough to find three questions that I did not know the answers to. It was fun for me!

Random Three

  1. What food could you not live without?

  2. What was your favorite gift you ever received? (hint: apparently I didn't give it to him)

  3. If you could have any superpower what would it be?