My First Podcast Ep 01


Welcome to my new Friday series, my podcast, Martinis and Your Money – Living a Better Life One Cocktail at a Time. I have been thinking about doing something different on my blog for a little while now, and after FinCon, I decided that a podcast was just the different that I would employ. I developed a little bit of the podcast bug after recording my first one with Joe at Stacking Benjamins. In fact, I even found a new client from that podcast.There are thousands of podcasts out there just as there are thousands of blogs, and mine will reflect the things that I like to talk about as well as what I think my clients or others would want to hear. I want my listeners to imagine that we are chatting like friends over a cocktail and learning from each other along the way. I plan to mostly do interviews with friends and experts; however, from time to time it may just be me sharing thoughts.

My First Few Podcasts

I was advised that when you first launch a podcast, especially a weekly one, you should release a few at first to not only help with your i-Tunes status, but because people typically download a few podcasts in a row. So today I have four shows for my listeners. I will release the podcast notes later tonight, I just didn't want to overwhelm anyone's blog feed this morning.

Episode 1: My First Podcast

This first episode is just me giving my listeners some of my background and why I felt it was important to start the podcast to begin with. You can hear in below.

Episode 2: Credit Myths and Tips

In this episode, I chat with Erin Lowry from Magnify Money and Broke Millennial over some Dirty Martinis about credit card myths and tips to help you improve or build your credit. We also chat about Magnify Money’s mission, and we end with my Random 3 Questions for Erin. Here is a link to the podcast.

Episode 3: Debt Repayment and Side Hustling

In this episode, I share a Chai Martini with my friend Melanie Lockhert from Dear Debt. Melanie shares some interesting stories she has never shared on her blog and discusses her love for side hustling and what others can expect from it. Melanie answers her Random 3 and we have a bonus surprise at the end. Here is a link to the podcast.

Episode 4: Relationships and Money

In this episode, I have a really honest money chat with my hubby over a Pickle Martini. We unfortunately recorded the show without my podcast mic so I apologize in advance for the sound quality. We thought about re-recording it; however, it really was an honest and open talk about our money and relationship challenges and I don’t think it would be the same if we recorded it again. Here is the link to the podcast.

Up Next

I think you will enjoy these first few and I already have a number in the works, including next week’s with J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy and Rockstar Finance. If you want to join in the fun, let me know, and if there are topics you would like me to address, email them to me or leave in the comments.Subscribe and follow along on iTunes

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, why? If not, why not?