Getting to Know the Happy Hour Ladies

Today is the last Friday of the month and regular listeners know the deal but for new listeners, on the last Friday of the month, I gather great friends to drink cheap drinks with me and talk about money topics. If you are new to this show, which I know for a fact we have a number of new listeners, you will see that we actually have 30 previous happy hour episodes. It’s going to take you a little while to figure out what all of these happy hours are about, so I thought I would take this episode for you to get to know my happy hour friends a little better before moving on to other episodes.Melanie, Tonya and Liz – aka Mrs. Frugalwoods – have become some of my closest friends over these last few years, and I think this episode will be fun for new and old listeners alike. Cheers!

What are we drinking?

Melanie from Dear Debt — a Malbec

Tonya from Budget and the Beach — a SoCal Mule

Mrs. Frugalwoods from — boxed Malbec

Shannon — Vodka soda with a splash of cranberry

Podcast Notes

  • The Happy Hour ladies have been drinking and chatting together for 2 and a half years!

  • Shannon asked Melanie, Tonya & Mrs. Frugalwoods to join her for the Happy Hour episodes because they were her favorite previous podcast guests.

  • The ladies record Happy Hour on the 2nd Monday of every month at 9:00PM EST!

  • Shannon asks the ladies to tell a little bit about themselves and what is important to them.

  • Liz – Mrs. Frugalwoods – lives on a 66-acre homestead in Vermont with her husband, their 1½ year old daughter & their dog.

  • Having time to pursue what she is passionate about and spend time with her family are the most important things to her.

  • They lived an extremely frugal lifestyle before moving to the homestead which allowed Liz to retire early in 2016.

  • The Frugalwoods discovered that frugality is about more than just saving money.

  • Living a frugal life made them happier, less stressed, & appreciative of all the things in their lives.

  • Tonya started her blog over 5 years ago and admits she wasn’t very frugal and not very good with her money.

  • She was a freelancer until 1.5 years ago when she got a full-time job.

  • She has five core values and her health is her top priority.

  • She believes in values-based spending and living a slower, simpler life.

  • Tonya is single and lives in Los Angeles but would like to eventually move somewhere else like Colorado.

  • Her cat is named Pepe, and he is 17 years old!

  • Melanie is a blogger, freelance writer & event planner.

  • She paid off $81,000 of student loan debt.

  • Her belief is to not let debt rule your life and live the life you want!

  • She recently moved back to Los Angeles and adopted two kittens – Miles & Thelonius.

  • Melanie is finally living the life that she always imagined when she was suffering through long work days and being broke as hell.

  • She has now been able to pursue her passion project and plan a women & money retreat!

  • All of the Happy Hour ladies are attending the Lola Retreat this August and recording Happy Hour live while they are there!

  • She loves karaoke, music, dancing, kittens & cocktails.

  • Shannon asks the ladies 10 “icebreaker” questions

    1. Coffee or tea?

    2. Vodka or gin?

    3. Appetizers or desserts?

    4. When was the last time you spent over $100 at once? (Outside of the grocery store)

    5. How old were you when you lost your virginity and was it good?

    6. What is a sport you are good at and a sport you are bad at?

    7. What is your favorite way to spend time?

    8. What is your love language?

    9. If you had a dead body in your trunk, who would you call to help you bury it?

    10. If you could only use one word to describe yourself, what would it be?