Financial Gym Client Stories

I’ve talked a lot about my company, the Financial Gym, during many episodes, and I’ve encouraged people to join or to tell their friends to join the gym. As we are growing and publicizing it more, we have more and more people who want to know about the experience of joining the gym and what they can expect. So, today we have a very special Happy Hour episode with three members of the Financial Gym talking about their experiences and what it has been like for them joining the gym! Their stories are honest and inspiring. I hope you enjoy learning about their journeys as much as I enjoy being a part of them through the Financial Gym.

What are we drinking?

Jennifer — Plum Loco wine

Kelly — Water because she is pregnant!

Maria — Mango Ciroc with cranberry juice

Shannon — Boxed Rosé

Podcast Notes

  • Kelly has had credit card debt since she was 18.

  • After their second child, she and her husband started panicking about their finances.

  • She googled “best financial podcast” and came across a podcast episode where Shannon was interviewed.

  • She immediately started listening to Shannon’s podcast and listened to all of the old Martinis and Your Money episodes.

  • She found out Shannon worked near her and reached out to become a Financial Gym client.

  • Kelly and Shannon have been working together for almost 2.5 years now.

  • Kelly and her husband now have over $62,000 in the bank and their third baby on the way!

  • Jennifer has been going to the gym since December 2016.

  • Like Kelly, she found Shannon and the gym through a podcast.

  • One of Jennifer’s main reasons for joining the gym was to tackle her student loan debt before she eventually gets married.

  • Since December 2016, she has paid down around $12,000 of her student loan debt!

  • Her goal is to pay down $20,170 by the end of this year.

  • She says you have to have big goals to get things done!

  • Maria came to the Financial Gym through a networking event with her company.

  • After that event, she knew the gym was where she needed to be and immediately became a member!

  • She told Shannon no one had ever looked at her finances, and Shannon was the first person Maria was ever “financially naked” with.

  • Shannon asks the ladies why they pay money to save money.

    • They all agree they pay to be members of the Financial Gym for the returns and the accountability.

  • Shannon then asks the ladies what the experience has been like talking about their finances with their trainers – if they have experienced any shame or judgment, if it was scary, etc.

    • The ladies discuss their past conversations (or lack thereof) about money and how they felt talking about money then compared to now.

  • The ladies discuss how they work with their trainers – either in person or virtually – and what that experience is like.

  • The ladies encourage anyone to sit down with a trainer and have a 15-minute intro session and take the first step to begin their financial journeys!

  • The ladies discuss the biggest rewards they have received as members of the Financial Gym.

  • TAKEAWAY: If you want to make a change in your financial life, the hardest part is taking that first step. When you are ready to take that first step, I hope you know the team at the Financial Gym is ready to go on that journey with you!

Random Three Questions

  1. Vanilla or chocolate?

  2. Game of Thrones – yay or nay?

  3. If you were to write a book, what would be the title of it?