Finding Financial Harmony - Happy Hour Style

It is Happy Hour Friday on the podcast today. On the last Friday of the month, I have friends join me on the podcast for a happy hour and today we are talking about finding a financially harmonious relationship. As a financial planner, I see the effects of different money mindsets on relationships and setting the right framework early on takes a lot of stress off of the relationship.As you will hear when you listen to this episode, I share something very personal and it was a difficult decision for me to make and to share but I just want to take this moment to thank my amazing friends for supporting me and uplifting me. It's easy to believe the worst in yourself and let other's define you, but if you have great friends, they will hold a mirror to you to help you see the best and believe in yourself.People frequently ask me if all of the happy hour women are friends and I can assure you that we are most definitely close friends. These women support me on and offline more than you can imagine and I feel blessed to have them in my life and call them friends.

What are we drinking?

Melanie from Dear Debt — Cabernet Sauvignon

Tonya from Budget and the Beach — Trinity Oaks Chardonnay

Mrs. Frugalwoods from — HobNob Merlot

Shannon — Cavit Pinot Grigio

Podcast Notes

  • Shannon shares a personal secret with the ladies that she has been keeping for awhile now.

  • The ladies say when they were younger they were looking for love and didn’t think about money at the time.

  • A financially compatible mate will talk with you about finances early on in your relationship.

  • Melanie says finding someone that spends money within their values and is focused on being a team in your relationship to combat financial issues together in the future is key.

  • Mrs. Frugalwoods says she and Mr. Frugalwoods were married very young and grew up and learned about finances together.

  • Any relationship where you have different values makes merging your finances difficult.

  • Tonya says some warning signs for her with relationships are someone being cheap—not frugal—actually cheap and if they handle their financial situation poorly while in debt.

  • Shannon says a warning sign for her is if someone does not want to communicate about any financial topics.

  • Knowing what your deal breakers are BEFORE you get into a relationship is very important.

  • Talking about what you are making, credit scores, debt, and explaining how you got to where you are financially should be a priority in your relationship.

  • If things don’t feel right in the beginning of a relationship, get out!

  • Mrs. Frugalwoods says where you meet someone for the first time is something to consider also.

  • Shannon says knowing and loving yourself is a crucial step to finding a financially compatible mate!

TAKEAWAY: The lessons Shannon learned from this episode:

  • It’s great to have friends who support you.

  • Laughter is the best medicine.

  • Never be afraid of being vulnerable and sharing part of yourself!

Are you and your significant other financially compatible? What are warning signs for you that someone may not be financially compatible with you?