Weekly Roundup


Weekly Roundup

So, I have been a little out of pocket this week because I have been helping my friend move from DC to Louisville, KY. I met Anne freshman year of college and she has moved about as much as I have over these last 18 years. I didn't want her to make another move alone, so I took the time out of my schedule to accompany her, and we have been having a blast.This week I was focused on Independence Day and Financial Independence in particular. On Monday, I shared how I first became aware of the phrase "financial freedom" and then on Wednesday I shared what financial freedom looks like to me. Yesterday, I shared my top ten favorite cheap summer activities since I view the "official" start of summer as 4th of July.  Since I was not able to read as much as I would like this week, my list is kind of short.

My favorite reads of the week:

  1. Liz from Budgeting for More shared about her debt payoff journey and it is very similar to the analogy I give to clients who are in the same situation.
  2. Stefanie at The Broke and Beautiful Life wrote an awesome post about thanking others for their success rather than feeling jealous.
  3. Michelle at Fit is the New Poor turned 27 this week and had some amazing pearls of wisdom to share from her 27 years.
  4. DC from Young Adult Money has successfully secured a new job, and he shared some great tips for others looking for jobs.

A big thank you to Josh from CNA Finance and Natalie from The Finance Girl for highlighting my posts this week.

Did you celebrate 4th of July or do you have anything fun planned for this weekend?