Top Ten New Year's Resolutions


I am actually notorious for not setting New Year's Resolutions because I never seem to keep up with them, and I ultimately fail. As someone who hates failure, I just refused to set myself up for it, so I stopped creating them. The truth is that frequently we create resolutions that are too broad or too difficult to begin with, and then we make the mistake of forgetting about them. This year, I am making sure that mine are specific, attainable, and most importantly, in writing for my review throughout the year. I will keep you posted on my progress!  Good luck on yours!10) Blog at least three times a week9) Lose 10 pounds by the summer and keep it off8) Go to the dentist twice this year7) Finish my second book6) Make four new recipes every month5) Get rid of cable4) Work out at least three times a week3) Schedule at least one Ladies Night a month2) "Spring clean" in my house at least four times this year1) Make sure that every day those I love know that I love them