Music Mondays - My Grown Up Christmas List


Mindful HolidaysThis holiday season, I have taken my Music Monday posts to help frame a conversation around the holidays, and how we can become more mindful about what is important to us during the holiday season. I began the season with a reminder to not get caught up in the holiday marketing and overspend what you don't have. Then I wanted the remind everyone to remember that it is the people that we love that are truly what the holidays are all about. Next I cautioned about asking for too much from loved ones during the holidays. Financial strain and stress during this time of year are avoidable and it starts with the creation of wish lists. And last week, I discussed focusing on people in need to truly enjoy the best Christmas ever. This week, I will share with you my Christmas list and my Christmas confession.Christmas ConfessionI grew up in a home with five children. In fact, we just recently watched home videos of Christmas’ past, and even though Christmas was always “big” because there were seven family members, it was never “big” for any one person. My parents struggled enough to make ends meet, and the holidays were always a challenge. Of course, I did not realize this when I was little; however, I do now. As an adult, I overcompensated for my limited Christmas gifts with over the top experiences for those I love. The last few years, though, I have become more mindful of the holiday experience, and I have scaled back my gifting. Not because I have become a Grinch, but because I think it is a responsible exercise for everyone. Through this evolution, though, the fact is that no matter how big or small the holiday, I always enjoy it. There is truly magic around this time of year, and I thrive on the holiday spirit. So my confession is that I lost my way in the “stuff” of Christmas for a number of years; however, I am happy to report, that I have found my way back. If you have lost your way, I hope you make it a challenge to find your way back. I promise you won’t miss anything!My Grown Up Christmas ListOn that note, here is my Christmas List for 2013:1)   Happiness and health for those I love2)   Safe travels for those I love3)   Quality time with my husband and son4)   New Perfume (I am not completely reformed!)5)   A rice cooker (I broke my last one)6)   A few hours of uninterrupted time to read a book7)   A Christmas morning wake up after 8amWhat’s on your Christmas List this year? I hope that you enjoy this week and challenge yourself to remain mindful this holiday season. You will find that no matter what is under the tree, your enjoyment level will remain high!