Music Mondays - Day Drinking
Day Drinking
So what does a song about drinking during the day have to do with smart money practices? Not a whole lot, in fact, if you’re smart with your money, you probably won’t spend much time drinking during the day, but it’s my song choice for today’s post which is all about fun.It’s been a while since I wrote a purely fun post, so I thought I would share one today. Based on my podcast, you would probably think that I drink all the time, but I actually don’t have the time to do it. However, one of my favorite things to do is drink during the day because it feels like you’re rebelling against the system or something.In addition to day drinking, I love a bunch of other things, and I am sharing 15 with you today. I think it would be fun if you answered them as well in the comments. Let’s turn this Monday into a fun day on my blog!1) Favorite Movie?Love Actually. It’s the one movie that makes me feel every emotion every time I watch it.2) E-reader or Real Book?I am a Kindle fanatic all the way. I started with the second generation and I have been upgrading ever since. If I only had one thing to bring on a deserted island, I would bring my Kindle.3) Vanilla or Chocolate?Vanilla.
4) Appetizers or Desserts?Appetizers. I am more of a savory fan than a sweets fan.5) Favorite Book?Pride and Prejudice. If I could only bring one book to that deserted island, it would be P&P.
6) Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?Neither. I know I’m dating myself, but I’m a New Kids on the Block girl all the way. I had the biggest crush on Jordan Knight and even watched their cartoon on Saturday mornings.7) Celebrity Crush?Alexander Skarsgard, but I really only crush on him when he’s playing Eric Northman on True Blood.8) Favorite TV show?Thanks to my Roku, I am becoming a fan of a number of shows, but right now my favorites are, So You Think You Can Dance, Friday Night Lights and Walking Dead9) Biggest Time Waster?Freefall App - The Frozen Version. It’s Disney’s answer to Candy Crush and I could play it for hours.10) Favorite Class in College?Organizational Theory and Behavior. There is nothing better than trying to figure out how people think and operate.11) Windows or Mac?Mac12) Favorite Color?Pink13) Mountains or Beaches?Mountains. My Irish skin was not built for much time on the beach.14) Fall or Spring?Fall. To me, there is nothing better than breaking out the fall sweaters and watching the leaves turn.15) Dream Vacation?I have always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise.Gif Source: Giphy