What’s the 411 on Ash Cash’s new 4:44 book?

Over the last four years of building my blog, this podcast, and my business, I have met a lot of people. For some people, I’m glad it was a one-time meeting, for others I’ve forgotten their names because they didn’t move me either way and others,  like this next guest, just leave an imprint on my soul. Today I’m talking to Ash Cash, personal finance expert and author, and from the moment I met Ash, I just felt like he lit my soul and my purpose on fire. So when I saw that he recently released a book inspired by Jay Z’s 4:44 album, I knew I had to have him back on the show and find out what (other than Jay Z) inspired him to write this book. As always, I enjoyed time with my friend and I hope that you do as well.

What are we drinking?

Ash — Ace of Spades

Shannon — Cava

Podcast Notes

  • Ash’s background is banking. He started as a teller and around 2008, he intentionally became a personal finance expert, because he didn’t feel that people knew what they were getting into with financial products.

  • Ash wanted to give people the information they needed to become financially free and manage their money better.

  • Ash has written six books, with the last one being released at the end of 2017. His recent book is called The Wake Up Call: Financial Inspiration Learned from 4:44, which was inspired by Jay Z’s album.

  • Ash tries to find ways to use pop culture to teach money lessons at different colleges, but people were asking for more than just a 45-minute presentation.

  • According to Amazon, the book is designed to teach African Americans how to manage money more effectively and how to manage generational wealth. The principles in the book can be related to anyone who reads it. What Jay Z was talking about in his music was geared toward the African American community. There were a lot of government rules and regulations that held African Americans back economically. We can collectively build a stronger economy and a culture that is inclusive.

  • Many of Shannon’s African American clients do not get the education at home growing up.

  • Because this book is associated with Jay Z’s album, it is targeting people who wouldn’t have normally picked up a personal finance book.

  • Jay Z is aware of the book, but Ash has not heard from him.

  • Ash felt an obligation to expand on the conversation that Jay Z started.

  • People who have read the book have purchased copies to send to friends and family. The book speaks in a language that people need.

  • It took Ash a month to complete the book, from beginning to end. The book was on pre-sale and sold 250 copies, before he was done with the book.

  • Ash was following a model for his books called Mind Right. However, right now, he is going to focus on promoting his newest book. He and his wife are working on a curriculum for those who want to teach on his new book. He is not ready to go back to his Mind Right focus right now.

TAKEAWAY: Financial inspiration or inspiration for living a better life can come from anywhere so never close your mind to the messages the universe is trying to deliver to you. I’m so glad that Ash was opened to the messages Jay was giving him because I know the words will change people’s lives.

Random Three Questions 

  1. What is another album that has inspired you?

  2. What is a show you like to binge watch?

  3. What do you like to do to relax?

Connect with Ash


Twitter: @theashcashshow



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