Clear Intentions and Goals with The Happy Hour Crew

Today is the last Friday of the month, and my regular listeners know that on the last Friday of the month, I host the Happy Hour on the podcast, where I gather great friends to drink cheap drinks and talk about money topics. This month, I’ve focused on the best path to Financial Independence, and that’s through dreaming big and manifesting hard.  

Financial Independence is a goal that doesn’t happen overnight, but with time and energy, it’s available to anyone, no matter where you start. In my 15 years as a financial planner, I’ve witnessed enough FI journeys firsthand to know I am speaking the truth to you. So, in continuing with this theme, I am finding out from my friends what big dreams they have in store for themselves and sharing with you where I am headed next. 

What are we drinking? 

Melanie – Free AF Whisk#y Ginger Non-Alcoholic Cocktail  
Colin – Red, White, & Blue Martini  
Shannon – Nighthawk by Bota Box 

Podcast Notes 

Shannon's Updates    

  • Gaining Clarity: One important aspect of manifesting and working towards something big is being clear about the goal. Over the last few weeks, Shannon realized that she has not been clear about her goals for The Financial Gym.    

  • Goals for Financial Gym: On June 30, Shannon sat down to reflect and find that clarity. She had to decide what she wanted and was willing to do for The Financial Gym. With Vinnie by her side, they wrote down the goals.           

  • What happened next: Shannon got great news in her inbox two days after writing down the goals. Shortly after, a positive board meeting followed, as did an additional round of funding. This confirmed for Shannon the importance of having that clarity.   

  • Lessons learned: Although the last four years have been incredibly challenging, Shannon does not want to walk away or give up. She has learned so much from this experience and is stronger because of it.   

  • Remaining steadfast: Sometimes, reaching your big goal takes 5-10 years. Don't let that discourage you. You don't always have to know exactly how you'll get to the destination; you just have to be willing to put in the time and work. 

Reflecting with Colin and Melanie  

  • Melanie’s goals accomplished: When she first started freelancing, Melanie exceeded the salary from her office job. She recently moved back to New York on her own terms, which has been a goal since she left years ago.   

  • Melanie’s future goals: Right now, Melanie isn’t working towards a big, clear goal. She is in an in-between stage where she may continue to freelance or search for more permanent employment. Either way, she does want to travel more.   

  • Focus on ideal lifestyle: Instead of chasing wealth, Shannon advises finding a comfortable lifestyle and creating a sustainable plan to achieve and maintain it. Setting specific monetary goals can lead to an unhealthy obsession with a number on the page.   

  • Colin’s reflections: Colin’s job over the last few years was not creatively fulfilling but was stable. After being laid off, his goal was to find passion in his work again. He contacted a former employer he loves working with and has been freelancing.  

  • Colin’s future: Colin has lived in California for the last 8 years, but his family lives across the country. He’s been considering moving closer to his family. There are pros and cons to staying and moving, and he’s considering all of the options. 

Final Thoughts  

  • The first step: If you aren’t clear about your goals, that is step one. This is quite common, especially for people who are in survival mode. Financial Trainers often help their clients with this at The Gym.   

  • Financial independence: Shannon thinks everyone should work towards financial independence, and each journey is unique.  You don’t necessarily need massive amounts of wealth to get there.  

  • Living on your terms: Make sure your goals are yours, not ones picked up by societal expectations, friends, or family. If you are truly connected to your goals, working on them long-term is much more sustainable.    

  • Be fearless: Don’t be afraid to put the big goals or dreams down on paper, even if you’re not exactly sure how you’ll get there. Don't let yourself get in your way before you even start.    

  • Final thoughts: Dream big, manifest hard, and don’t be afraid to take the less-traveled path. Shannon’s homework for the listeners is to get clear about their goals, write them down, and stop letting limitations hold them back. 


Takeaway: My biggest takeaway is the importance of being clear with your goals and despite setbacks, never stop believing and re-writing or -re-manifesting what you want. You may have been knocked down, but you’re never knocked out, at least not until the final bell.   

Connect with The Happy Hour Crew 

Melanie Lockert:  
Colin Becker: @iwillbecolinyou &  
Shannon McLay: Founder & CEO at The Financial Gym 

If you have any topics you would like me to cover on this podcast, or if you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me at or join the private Martinis and Your Money Facebook Page, and let me know what you want to hear. 
As many of you know, other than running this podcast, I’m the founder and CEO of The Financial Gym, and we are celebrating 10 years of this journey. Now more than ever, I see the importance of the work we do every single day. Rising inflation, the return on student loan debt, high-interest rates on loans and mortgages, and volatile stock markets make it a time where, now more than ever, you need a best financial friend to help you make the best choices along the way. 
At Financial Gym, you get paired with a Certified Financial Trainer, who we call your BFF. Our team has coached clients through every financial season, whether they were living paycheck to paycheck or headed into Financial Independence and Retirement. As a reminder, we work with individuals, couples, or business owners.  
The exciting news of 2024 is that Financial Gym now has a sister company, FG Advisory Services, available for people looking for more traditional financial advisory services like asset management delivered by a team that looks and behaves nothing like a traditional financial advisory services company. We literally have a solution for you, no matter where you’re starting from. So what are you waiting for? Head over to or send friends to to get started today. Our warm-up calls are free of cost and judgment, so you have nothing to lose. 

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