Human Design with Kiera Doyle

For my final season, I’m focused on delivering the best of the best. The best of what I’ve learned over the past 9 years of podcasting, guests, topics, and more. This month, I’m focused on the foundation and fundamentals of money and our relationship with it.

Joining me today is Kiera Doyle, Human Design Coach and founder of Kiera is a long-time Financial Gym client who joined the show in 2019 to talk about Human Design, which was the first time I ever heard about the subject.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve learned more about it and implemented it as a work tool at Financial Gym. I have found that understanding it has led to a better understanding of my life, purpose, how I should make decisions, and how it’s helped people around me. I recommend you listen if you haven’t heard Kiera’s first show and I hope you enjoy learning more today. 

What are we drinking?

Kiera  - Wide Awake Cold Brew & Big Glass of Water 
Shannon - Black Cherry Schweppes 

Podcast Notes

What is Human Design? 

  • Human Design is a blend of astrology and modern science. It's an energetic blueprint of who you are and how you interact with the world around you. It empowers individuals to move confidently through life, fostering self-discovery and personal growth.

  • Human Design allows you to move through the world as yourself and can help you feel confident in your decisions. It can be an excellent tool for people wanting to learn more about themselves.  

  • Kiera introduced Shannon to Human Design, which resonated with her because she was already interested in astrology and personality tests.

  • Joy's recent interest led to incorporating Human Design at The Financial Gym, fostering growth among team members.

The Key Elements of Human Design

  • Energy Types: There are five energy types—Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors.

  • Each energy type has specific traits and unique ways of interacting with the world. 

  • Manifestors: Less than 10% of the population are manifestors. They can speak something into existence and create an impact with their auras. 

  • Generators: These folks are energy makers and the planet's life force. Interact with the universe by responding to external stimuli, like taking direction from manifestors. They have a warm aura and draw life to them. 

  • Manifesting Generators:  They are a Blend of Manifestors and Generators, possessing both initiating and responding qualities. The universe tends to serve these folks more of what they're saying yes to, and they can shift their lives based on their yeses and nos. 

  • Projectors: Less than 1% of the population. These folks are Born leaders and guides, here to provide insights and directions. They tend to wait for invitations before sharing their wisdom. They like to be asked about their thoughts and be their authentic selves. 

  • Reflectors: These folks are energetically open, taking in the energy from the rest of the world. They require a lot of alone time because they can be overwhelmed by stimuli and need solitude for reflection. Urgency can be disorienting.

Profiles & Channels

  • Profiles are the six lines that work through a journey of self-discovery. The way lines come together forms a unique energy profile. 

  • These are the Investigator, Hermit, Martyr, Opportunist, Hero, and Role Model 

  • Channels are lines connecting energy centers, forming channels, and creating unique energy dynamics. Channels influence expressions and connections with others.

  • There are 12 different profiles influencing how individuals interact with energy types and the world. Profiles are the outer expression, while energy time is the inner hardwiring.

Tips for Human Design Beginners 

  • Remember to open your mind to learning and experience something new. Start by understanding your energy type and expand from there. Human Design has many aspects, so take it one step at a time. 

  • Human Design is actionable and can change your life if you choose to let it. It can teach you how to become anchored and apply aspects of your chart to improve your experience. When we start to experiment, the universe gives us feedback. 

  • Your chart will have many elements with a lot to focus on. Notice the ones you strongly resist and areas you want to explore further. You don't have to fully believe in this to see the results; just show up, tweak how you do things, and watch what happens. 

Takeaway: My biggest takeaway is the importance of self reflection and understanding what makes you tick. The sooner you align yourself with your purpose and motivations in life, the easier it will be to make decisions around your career, and your relationships, especially your relationship with money.

Resources mentioned: 

Random Three Questions

  1. What is your next big thing you’re getting into?

  2. What is something you’re currently binging?

  3. If you were given 10k for travel, where would you go?

Connect with Kiera Doyle at Meeting Your Magic

Instagram: @meetingy
TikTok: @meetingyourmagic 

If you have any topics you would like me to cover on this podcast, or if you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me at, or join the private Martinis and Your Money Face, and let me know what you want to hear.

A recent Financial Health Network study revealed that only 31% of Americans were financially healthy. Only 23% of women and only 15% of black people were. Financial health is a crisis in the US but it doesn’t need to stay that way. At the Financial Gym, we’ve spent the last 10 years working one-on-one with our members to help them achieve their financial health goals.

With a 90% success rate and with memberships starting as low as $35 a month, Financial Gym is not only the inflation-proof source for financial wellness for anyone but also a trusted and capable partner for your financial wellness journey. Head over to, or send friends to, and schedule a warm up call today. As a reminder, our warm up call team is staffed with amazing and current Financial Gym clients that can answer any of your questions about our program without any pressure to join. The call is free, so you have nothing to lose. 

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