Gym Magic with Kathy
Hello Martinis and Your Money Listeners! At the Financial Gym, when a client experiences a positive financial health result after joining the Gym like maybe getting a raise or an unexpected bonus, we call it “Gym Magic.” Gym Magic and helping our clients find it and believe in it is so important to us that it’s a core value of the Gym. For over eight years now, I’ve witnessed the magic firsthand and every single one of my teammates has seen it as well. And I’m so excited to share with you that for the month of November, we’re going to share some of that Magic with you. This month I’m talking to clients and teammates who have truly experienced and witnessed results that are nothing short of magic and their stories and journeys are just what we need for this crazy time in life. Kicking off the month with me today is Kathy. Kathy started as a client who literally left dozens of negative comments about the Gym after a horrible first impression on our part. Thankfully, we worked through the challenges and you’ll hear how far she’s come in almost two years. And now here’s Kathy.
What are we drinking?
Kathy – Italian roast coffee
Shannon – Black Cherry Schweppes
Podcast Notes
Kathy is a single mom and Financial Gym client who was going through a rough start at the Gym so Shannon had reached out to her directly.
Kathy’s goal (and motivation to search out and join the Gym) was to give her son the college education that he wanted and deserved, as well as improving her overall financial situation.
She had a number of challenges prior to joining the Gym, including raising a son, being a caretaker for her ailing mom, experiencing an extended period of unemployment, among other things.
Kathy is about to start at a new company, one who significantly increased her starting salary even after she accepted the position. She credits this as one of her “Gym Magic” experiences.
This situation allowed her to qualify for the elusive NACA mortgage program for the home she is looking to purchase.
In the last two years, Kathy has been able to save up for her son’s first year’s tuition. In addition, her son has qualified for a scholarship as a result of his good grades.
When her son was younger, Kathy had sought out a financial planner for help. She felt their advice was very questionable and this had turned her off from looking for formal financial advice for quite some time.
She feels that having someone you can share the setbacks and the wins with (in addition to getting financial advice from) is so important to the overall experience.
Kathy also has a side business (hand crafted, self-care body products) that she launched during the pandemic.
Takeaway: My biggest takeaway is that as scary as looking at your finances is, nothing is scarier than neglecting them. Eventually everything you’re avoiding will pop up and bite you in the butt. Facing them head on is sometimes your best strategy even if that’s the last thing you want to do.
Random Three Questions
1. What is your next big goal?
2. What is a show that you like to binge?
3. If this is your last meal on earth, what is it going to be?
If you have any topics you would like for me to cover on this podcast or you’d like to get in the financially naked hot seat, I encourage you to email me to or join the private Martinis and Your Money Facebook group and let me know what you want to hear.
We are fast approaching the end of another year. Do you feel like you achieved your financial goals of 2021? If not, don’t let another day go by without working towards this goal. At The Financial Gym, despite the ongoing global pandemic challenges, we’ve helped thousands of people find Gym Magic in 2021. And we’d love to help you find yours. Plus, Martinis and Your Money listeners get 15% off of Financial Gym memberships. So if you’re ready to get started, head over to or send friends to to get signed up today.