Dating and In Debt - EP 06


Happy Friday everyone! Today I have my latest podcast and it is with my friend Kassandra from More Than Just Money. I wanted to share Kassandra’s story about dating while in debt because it’s a subject matter that is close to a number of my client’s hearts. With 60% of graduates graduating with student loan debt and the average debt around $29,400, this is a topic that is going to remain an ongoing challenge.For those of you who don’t know, when Kassandra began dating her now husband, she had over $50,000 in consumer debt. She was not proud of it, but had a plan to pay it down.

Podcast Notes

Kassandra and I drank a Rum-Tini during the call. It’s a martini based on the liquor, RumChata that we drank together during a party. Kassandra likes Bailey’s on the rocks normally, so this was a good mix of the two.

Here is the Recipe:

2 oz Rum

Chata2 oz Bailey’s

1 oz Vodka

Shake together in cocktail shaker over ice and serve in a martini glass.

Non-Alcoholic Version

If you want to get a similar taste, I would shake a chocolate milk and sprinkle with a little cinnamon at the end.Kassandra shared her past spending behaviors and mentality and how these contributed to a failed first marriage. A few years after the failure of that marriage, Kassandra not only came to the realization that she was in an immense amount of debt, but that she was also interested in a new man in her life.Not only did Kassandra have to share her debt secret with the guy she was falling in love with, but she had to manage a long distance relationship with him while trying to pay down this debt. Through all of this, though, she was committed to eliminating her debt and changing her spending ways.Kassandra shares a number of the stories and struggles and ongoing challenges she and her husband faced thanks to her debt, and fortunately for her, this story has a happy ending. I think that it is a great example of how a commitment to debt repayment and finding the right mate can make anything possible.

Random three questions: Kassandra answered

  1. If you could meet anyone in history, who would you meet and why?

  2. Describe your perfect day

  3. What’s your favorite song to sing?

For a bonus at the end, I convinced Kassandra to sing part of her favorite song. She feels like she could do better; however, I think she has a beautiful voice and showed it off wonderfully. Image Source: Stuart Miles

Have you ever dated anyone while in debt? Feel free to answer any of the random three questions in the comments