Challenge Your Way to More Money - EP 05


I am very excited about today's podcast, but who am I kidding, I have been excited about every one. This podcast gives me a great excuse to have fun and enlightening conversations with my friends. Today I am chatting with J. Money known for his personal finance sites Budgets Are Sexy and Rockstar Finance.J. featured my post, Are You Financially Sexy? on Rockstar Finance back in April, and he forever changed my blog. When J. selects your post or "pimps" your post on Rockstar, you instantaneously get traffic, and to this date, that day was my single best viewed day as it was also picked up on LifeHacker.I was honored when J. reached out to me a few months back when he was in the early stages of considering a side hustle in money coaching. It was our first time chatting on the phone, and we had a great time laughing about people's crazy money habits. He is joining me on the podcast today to talk about his Challenge Everything challenge he has going on over at Budgets are Sexy.

The Beer-tini



So I am already only 5 episodes into this podcast, and I am bending on the martini rule. When I asked J. to record this with me, he said absolutely; however, he was not fancy enough for a martini. So I asked if he had a fancy glass he could at least drink his beer from. Below is the goblet: There is not really a recipe for the Beer-tini except to just open your favorite beer and pour into a martini glass. I found that one bottle of beer = two martinis. If you want to go non-alcoholic you can enjoy O'Douls or Sharps are available.

Show Notes

J. like my hubby and son has ADHD, so talking to him is a little bit like herding cats. Our conversation took a number of turns; however, here are some of the highlights.

  1. We discussed why we talk about money, the importance of being real and crazy ways that people have found our blogs.

  2. J. discussed his Challenge Everything project and what he is doing to make it happen.

  3. J. shared some of his tips and tools for selling things successfully on Craigslist.

  4. J. discussed his coin blog, CoinThrill, and a funny name for one of his latest coins found.

  5. Did you know one of J.'s former side hustles was selling campsite time shares?

If you want to follow J. or hire him as your money coach, you can find him at J

Random Three

J. answered the following questions

  1. What food did you hate as a kid but love now?

  2. If you were not a personal finance or coin blogger, what kind of blogger would you be?

  3. When was the last time you cried?

Do you follow J. Money? Feel free to answer any of his random 3 in the comments