Confessions of a Money Misstep


On today's podcast, I am chatting with Lauren from LB and the Money Tree about her recent money misstep, why she decided to confess it on her blog and what she's doing about getting herself back on track.

What We're Drinking

Lauren hosts a video series called Awkward Money Chat and on her show she shares red wine with her guests. To make Lauren comfortable on my show, I agreed to drink red wine with her. Lauren is drinking Rex Goliath Pinot Noir that she got for $7 and I am drinking Black box boxed wine, the Malbec varietal.

Podcast Notes

  • Lauren shares how she went from a theatre major to a hedge fund employee

  • Lauren also discusses how she became interested in money

  • Lauren talks about how she paid off $10,000 in credit card debt and built up a healthy savings account

  • Lauren shares why she decided to purchase a home at 26

  • Lauren explains how she got back in credit card debt and why she confessed it on her blog

  • Lauren shares how she plans to get rid of her debt in three months despite the fact that she couldn't get rid of it over a year

  • Lauren reveals her progress after the first month of the year

  • Lauren discusses what she has done to make more money to pay off her debt

  • We talked about how money issues are a lot like weight issues

Random Three Questions Lauren Answered:

  1. What's your favorite mistake?

  2. What is your favorite song to sing when you tryout for a theatre role?

  3. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Have you ever made a financial misstep? If so, what did you do to overcome it? Would you ever admit it publicly?