Coined Author Kabir Sehgal


So, one of the great things about attending the FinCon conferences every year is that they allow you to meet new and interesting people. I met Kabir Sehgal in the hotel lobby the night before he gave his keynote speech at FinCon. I actually had no idea who he was, but enjoyed chatting with him when I met him. I flippantly asked him if he wanted to be on my podcast, and I was surprised when he said yes.This meant that instead of sleeping through his keynote, which I planned to do the next morning, I needed to get up and listen to what he had to say. It was actually one of the more interesting keynotes I have heard, and I was fortunate to receive a free signed copy of his book.When he signed my book, I reminded him that he said he would come on my show and true to his word, he agreed.This is a different type of show for me, but one that I thought would be interesting to my listeners. As Kabir and I both joked, as long as you pick up enough for cocktail party conversation, then we have done our job.

What are we drinking?

Kabir - Beck's Beer

Shannon - Cherry Flavored Vodka with Cherry Flavored Seltzer

Podcast Notes

  • Kabir shares his background of working as an Emerging Markets specialist with JP Morgan

  • Kabir discusses why he started his money book in the Galapagos Islands vs. Eastern or Western Turkey

  • Kabir talks more about neureconomics and how it impacts the financial markets

  • Kabir not only explains Bitcoin but what he thinks is the future of Bitcoin

  • Kabir shares what country he thinks is the least likely to fully adopt credit cards for transactions

  • Kabir shares what his favorite coin is

  • Kabir shares why he thinks money is a public safety hazard

  • Arts and Letters Daily is a site Kabir likes to read

  • Here is a link to buy Kabir's book Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How It's History Has Shaped Us

coined book

coined book

Random Three Questions Kabir Answered:

  1. What was your favorite country to visit?

  2. What is an epic fail of your life thus far?

  3. What do you like to read for fun?

Have you heard of Kabir? Do you know any interesting money facts? What woman do you think should be on the $10 dollar bill?