Why Working Moms Rock


Working Moms

I am a working mom. From the time my son turned 8 weeks old, and I returned to work, I knew that working made me a better mom. My time away from my son made me not only appreciate him more, but it also gave me an outlet for my creative energy. When my son hit the terrible twos and the trying threes, I joked about loving Mondays and looking forward to the opportunity to leave the house for work.You see, no matter how unreasonable my most unreasonable client, they were never as bad as my two year old who insisted on eating crackers for dinner and who refused to let me wipe his mouth when he had spaghetti sauce all over it. I tell people that I don't always know how to succeed at being a mom, but I always seem to know how to succeed in a work environment.

Another Amazing Working Mom

While attending FinCon last week, I had the opportunity to have a great conversation with Erin Chase, the $5 Dinner Mom where we both shared our challenges of trying to build a successful company while also taking care of our families. I realized during our conversation, that companies should want to hire working moms rather than shun them. From my experience, every working mom that I know is someone I would want working for my company.Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who is responsible for hiring at his company, and he confessed to me that he tries to avoid hiring working moms for various reasons. So, I thought that I would respond to him on the most public platform that I have, AOL Jobs. If you want to read more about what I have to say about the myths and realities of working moms, here is the link: 

Hiring A Working Mom - Myth vs. Reality - AOL Jobs


Are you a working mom? Do you think working moms make assets or liabilities for a company?