Weekly Roundup


Crazy Weekly Roundup!

Whew....this has been a CRAZY week for the Financially Blonde household. First of all, it is my blog's one year blogiversary, so I wrote about all of my milestones that I reached on Monday. Then on Tuesday, my first published book, Train Your Way To Financial Fitness was released, and to celebrate the book and my blogiversary, I decided to do a giveaway that will last until the end of the month. Wednesday, I was part of another giveaway with 9 other personal finance bloggers who wrote eBooks. I hope you sign up for both giveaways. Who doesn't love free stuff? Thursday I was nominated by my friend Mel at Broke Girl Rich for the Versatile Blogger Award and shared 7 random things about me. My top ten on Friday was for anyone heading to New Orleans next week or anytime, and I also got to write about my book on AOL Jobs because my editor is awesome. Oh, and least I forget, I guest posted on Frugal Rules this week about lessons I learned as my first year as a solopreneur. Whew...this is how I feel right now

 crazy2crazy1My Favorite Reads of the Week:

  1. Not to be self serving, but Erin from Journey to Saving and Mel from Broke Girl Rich both reviewed my book on their blogs this week. I loved reading their reviews because it is nice to get another perspective. The book writing process is very isolating and it's interesting to get someone else's take on it. Thank you both!
  2.  Debt Debs celebrating her 6 month blogiversary and shared even more creativity with her personal finance bloggers lament and excellent use of pic monkey.
  3. Laurie at The Frugal Farmer reminded us to not give money more power than it deserves. We are called to do so much more in life rather than worry about money.
  4. Kassandra at More Than Just Money warned us to not let debt amount to a life sentence.
  5. My west coast alter ego, Shannon at The Heavy Purse shared some awesome ideas for financial moves to make this Fall.

Thank Yous!

Thank you to Raquel at Practical Cents for sharing my book on her blog and happy blogiversary to her. Thank you to Tonya at Budget and the Beach for mentioning my book launch. Finally, thank you to Michelle at Budget BloggessGen Y Finances, and The Debt Free Guys for sharing my posts this week.This weekend I plan to catch up on some work that I fell behind on thanks to book launch and client meetings. My son, Will, also starts soccer season which means practice on Saturday and game on Sunday.Gif Source: Giphy

What do you plan to do this weekend?