Weekly Roundup


Whew…this is the first week that I have shared a post every week day and two on Friday, and let me tell you what…I am exhausted and have such profound respect for you bloggers who do this all the time. This week, I spent the majority of my week dealing with fears. On Monday, with the inspiration of the song, Don't Fear the Reaper, I talked about why you shouldn't let fears of investing prevent you from doing it. On Tuesday, I shared four common fear factors where investing is concerned and some fear busters to help combat them. Wednesday was my third edition of Women's Power Wednesday, and I highlighted some amazing side hustling women. I also loved seeing other women bloggers join me on Wednesday. Thank you for joining the fun The Heavy Purse, Frugal Farmer, Making Sense of Cents, and Budget Blonde!! On Thursday, I shared my Liebster Award news thanks to Michelle at Fit is the New Poor and Petrish at Debt Free Martini. My meal for four under $15 on Friday was Pasta Puttanesca that was made by my hubby to combat his fear of cooking with anchovies. My Top Ten this Friday was the ten fears that I have defeated thus far.Here were my favorite blogs of the week.

  1. Cat from Budget Blonde wrote on Frugal Rules about the difficulty of being the frugal one in the group. I definitely know what this is like, just because we are frugal does not mean we don't know how to have fun.
  2. KK at Student Debt Survivor shared the 7 stupid ways she used to waste money on groceries. I laughed as I read this because I am guilty of having done all of the same things.
  3. Shannon at the Heavy Purse wrote about the myth of thinking that kids don't care about money. As a parent of an eight year old who is very conscious of money, I definitely think this is a myth.
  4. Wendy at Girl Meets Debt is back from vacation and wrote a great post about ditching guilt about debt. I loved the post, but probably loved the image of the cat raising his or her hand even more. :-)
  5. Holly at Club Thrifty shared her opinion on whether or married couples should combine finances. She not only shared it here, but on the Wall Street Journal and she was featured on Fox Business News about this topic as well. So exciting!

As special thank you to the blogs who highlighted my posts this week, The Heavy Purse, Color Me Frugal, Young Adult Money and Broke Millennial. And to the Financial Carnival for Young Adults for highlighting two of my blogs.Next week I will only be blogging my usual three days (I need a break), but also I will be in Austin working with my new publisher on the release of my book nationally. Stay tuned on that exciting news! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.A fear that I have still not overcome is watching scary movies. Do you like scary movies? If so, what are your faves?