Weekly Round Up


My Week In ReviewI hope you are enjoying a wonderful start to your weekend. In New York, I am sitting here working on this blog and watching snow fall, AGAIN. I am usually a big fan of the winter, but I already feel "over" this one. Anyway, this week I was focused on credit on my blog, and an amazing thing happened! During three client meetings, I literally pulled up my blog to illustrate and educate my clients on credit, so that made me psyched that my blog was relevant to them. I started the week with the song, Royals by Lorde. It serves as a great reminder to not get yourself in credit card trouble just to try to live a high end life like someone else. Then I shared an infographic with a breakdown of your credit. On Thursday, I illustrated the benefits of good credit. And on Friday I continued my two weekly series sharing a new recipe for 4 under $15 and my Top Ten favorite movies about money.What I enjoyed this week

  1. Girl Meets Debt raised the question of whether you should pay off debt or save for retirement. Just as she shares the ongoing debate over team Brit-Brit and team X-tina, I am sure there will never be an answer for this since it is a personal choice, but it was a great conversation!
  2. Holly at Club Thrifty shared her not so secret life as a credit card churner. I was personally fascinated by this strategy as I have often wondered about trying it, but feared it would get too confusing for me. I am totally impressed by her results, though!
  3. Cat at Budget Blonde shared her 4th year in review. As someone who just started following her, I really loved getting the "quick" update on her life and get to know her better.
  4. Laurie from Frugal Farmer guest posted on Frugal Rules about a desperate measures budget. I love the concept of this, and I also love the idea of implementing and trying this out before you actually need to live it.
  5. Matt at Mom and Dad Money asked the question about how much life insurance you need. I am actually going to focus on life insurance this week on my blog, so I enjoyed reading his thoughts.
  6. David at Young Adult Money shared a new (to me) way to save money through Chippmunk. I ALWAYS love learning new tips on saving money.
  7. Grayson at Debt Round Up provided a great review on Walmart Family mobile. Again, I always love thoughts and ideas on how to save money.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, especially if you have Monday as a holiday. I lost a wonderful friend suddenly this week who was only 40 with two young daughters. In honor of his life and death next week I will be focusing on making sure you are financially prepared for a surprise death. It is not a "fun" topic, but I see too many people unprepared for life surprises and there is nothing worse than that.