Weekly Round Up


Happy Saturday everyone!For most of us, it was our first full week back after the Christmas/New Year holidays, and for most of us, it was a cold one. The cold weather here in New York definitely inspired my blog series for the week. I started out with a song from the movie, Frozen, discussing the importance of letting go of the past and making smarter financial choices going forward. Then I encouraged a personal "hibernation" to either help you catch up from poor holiday spending or save up for the goals you have for 2014. On Thursday I discussed the potential need for a financial tune up in the New Year to reset your personal finances. And yesterday, I shared another meal for 4 for under $15, and it pairs well with cold weather.I enjoyed a number of blogs this week, but here were some of the highlights for me:

  • Matt at Mom and Dad Money provided an incredibly well thought out and compelling argument in the ongoing question of Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA.
  • Holly at Club Thrifty reviewed Republic wireless for anyone interested in trying to save money on cell phone bills.
  • David at Young Adult Money shared a three part series focused on 15 ways to improve your finances. I found many of the tips useful, and I have already implemented some.
  • Laurie from Frugal Farmer shared ways to save money on groceries on Frugal Rules. This subject is near and dear to my heart as food consumes a larger portion of my client's budgets, but it is also one of the "easiest" areas to control.
  • J. Money at Budgets are Sexy shared five different ways to save. Hopefully, you can find the best one that works for you!

 Next week, I am going to be discussing credit, why it's important, how to improve yours and the financial benefits of excellent credit. Enjoy your weekend!