Top Ten Ways I Relax


Top Ten Ways I Relax

Last week I was on vacation, and right before I left for vacation, I definitely knew that I needed to get away. I was feeling a little rundown at work, I literally had a pain in my neck that wouldn’t go away (probably from too much typing on the computer) and I longed for a break from technology. I worked hard to take the time off, I enjoyed it, but now I am back to the grind and the relaxation I enjoyed while on vacation has diminished in a matter of days.What I need to do is remind myself to relax more in between vacation times. If I took a break every now and then, I probably wouldn’t feel so run down. I think we all probably need to force ourselves to relax, especially when we have money stresses in our lives. So here are the top ten ways that I relax (when I remember to do so).

1)   Read a Book

I love to read. I have loved reading since Gone With the Wind was on my summer reading list in high school and I realized that reading could be more than something you have to do while you are in school. I became a Kindle convert three years ago and then developed a love of self-published authors after finding a great book blogger. I actually love reading so much, I thought about starting a book blog.

2)   Drink a Glass of Wine

Yup, you can judge all you want, but sometimes nothing takes the edge off a day better than a glass of wine. If I am going cheap, it will be a Pinot Grigio, and if I am splurging, then it’s a glass of Sancerre. I prefer whites, but enjoy reds with the right meal and definitely in the winter time in front of a fire.

3)   Take a Bath

This is something I love to do but never do it enough, and the reason is that I am lazy and don’t like to clean the bathtub after using it. When I do use it, though, I light candles and play my Michael Buble station on Pandora.

4)   Listen to Music

As many of you know, I am a big fan of music and when I need to relax, I will either play my Spa station on Pandora or the Michael Buble station. Whenever I play these, I immediately return to my place of zen.

5)   Meditate

Speaking of zen, this is such a great activity for relaxing, and it is one that I wish I did more often because my brain could certainly use a break some days. Also, I read a book once that stated that when you are in the meditative state your brain is operating at its highest level of functioning. So you not only relax, but you access parts of your brain that you don’t normally.

6)   Go For a Walk

I live a mile away from a state park, and it is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen, especially in the fall. Below is a picture from one of the lakes. When I need to decompress and chill out, I will go for a walk around this park. Sometimes, I will even allow myself to sit on a bench and meditate while looking at the ducks on the lake.

rock17)   Do a Puzzle

Ever since I was a little girl, whenever I vacation with my dad, a puzzle is always involved, and sadly I only seem to do them when I am with him. It is a wonderful activity, though, and it can be calming and solitary or calming and social as you work with others on the joint cause of finishing the puzzle.

8)   Watch T.V.

I don’t watch a lot of television, but sometimes it’s nice to shut the brain down and watch some frivolous entertainment. For me right now, it is So You Think You Can Dance. I love that I can watch it on Hulu Plus, and in case you are interested, I am a big fan of Ricky, Casey and Jessica’s this season.

9)   Get a Mani/Pedi

I have been going to the same place and the same person for two years now, and I go there because he always gives the best 10-minute massage at no additional charge while my nails are drying. The 45 minutes I spend at the nail salon are some of the most relaxing I have in the month.

10)  Facebook Stalk

I am a fan of Facebook, and I don’t care what anyone says. For me, I love it because I am super busy with my job, being a wife, being a mom, and everything else, that often my friends are neglected, and Facebook gives me the opportunity to feel connected with my friends despite the lack of time. The other day, a Facebook friend posted that it was her son’s first birthday and I couldn’t believe how time has flown by because I remember when she posted that he was born.

What do you do to relax? Are you good at making time to do it or could you be better at giving yourself a break?