Top Ten Movies with a Twist


This week I wrote about financial deceptions, on Monday it was financially deceptive words and on Wednesday it was financially deceptive people. So today, I thought I would make my Friday Top Ten list the top ten movies with surprise twists. I know there are a number, but these are the movies that I have in fact seen and was completely shocked by the various reveals in them. When I think of the reveal in some of these movies, I still get chills.10) The Crying Gamecrying game9) Psychopsycho8) Star Wars Episode Vstarwars7) Se7ense7en6) The Othersothers5) Mementomemento4) Fight ClubFight Club (1999) Edward Norton and Brad Pitt (Screengrab)3) Primal Fearprimal fear2) The Usual Suspectsusualsuspects1) Sixth Sensesixthsense Were you surprised by some of the twists in these movies? Are there any movies you would add?