Music Mondays - The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes


For most of us, the road to financial fitness is a difficult one and often feels like we are in a fight for our lives. Our setbacks frequently frustrate us, and we feel overwhelmed by the work it takes to get ahead. When you feel like this, I encourage you to listen to this song. It is a great reminder of the value of fighting through life. We all need to strive to be fighters in our financial lives. Acknowledging that when we fall, we will end up bloodied and battered, but if we pick ourselves up every time, we will become someone to be admired, a Fighter.When I meet with clients who feel as though they have been in the ring taking hits financially for years, I encourage them to keep their head up and learn from the experiences they have had. Some lessons are more painful than others, but they are all valuable lessons. So if you fall down financially, pick yourself back up, remember that you have people in your corner to help you out and give ‘em hell!