Music Mondays - Brand New Day


I love this song by Joshua Radin for so many reasons.  He reminds us that when we wake each morning, we are given a clean slate with the hope and optimism that anything is possible. This is also true for your financial health.  You may have made poor choices in the past.  You may have made one today.  But tomorrow is a Brand New Day. You have the ability to turn things around and focus on making positive changes in your life.Sometimes we get so fixated in living in the past that it prevents us from accomplishing our goals in the future. After I had my son, I was fifty pounds overweight, and I remained in that position until I decided to make a change when he was around five years old. The process of becoming physically fit was not easy and I had a few days where I was "bad" and I ate more calories than I should have, and I felt awful. However, I realized that tomorrow was a new day and I had a new opportunity to change things around and work harder, and I did. If I kept thinking about that bad day, then I would not give myself the opportunity of having many more good days ahead.Just as I had bad food habits, some of us have bad money habits that we fall back into, and when those happen, I encourage you to listen to this song and do the following. Take two minutes when you get the chance and write down what changes you want to make tomorrow.  What about: only spend $20 all day?  Eat dinner in? Spend time with friends not spending money? Whatever your financial goal, write it down and do it!  Make it a reality!  And know that everything “will be okay.”This is a great video for the song.