Women's Power Wednesday


The Side Hustler Edition

In case you have not dropped by my blog at all in March, I am celebrating Women's History Month by highlighting personal finance blogs written or led by women that I enjoy. I started out March by highlighting Personal Finance "Mommy" Bloggers, who are not to be mistaken with just regular "mommy" bloggers, then last week I highlighted some amazing "Millennial" Bloggers, and this week I am highlighting what I call "Side Hustler" bloggers. These women truly set the bar VERY high as far as what you can achieve as far as income from blogging or other activities that relate to your blog.

Michelle at Making Sense of Cents

women's power

Why I love Michelle

Michelle was literally one of the first bloggers I discovered almost a year ago when I was thinking about starting a blog. I immediately loved her thought provoking topics, but loved more the fact that she openly shared her secrets to success in the hopes of helping others. Between Making Sense of Cents and her other blog Diversified Finances, she shares so many ideas, tips and tools for building your own successful online business endeavors. She is widely known in the personal finance blogging space for posting her monthly income numbers which are just amazing. As I am sure she would say, and you can see, these numbers are not without the hard work and dedication that she has put into her craft. She is an inspiration to many, me included.

Top 3 Blogs

  1. One of my favorite blogs by Michelle is her blog about how to make money blogging. I took a lot of what she said to heart, and I have suggested it to others.
  2. Michelle posed the question of whether or not she should pay off her home early, which is a question a number of my clients debate.
  3. Michelle actually recently posted about whether or not you are being frugal or stealing. She posed a number of thought provoking questions to make you think about your own actions when trying to save money.

Cat at Budget Blonde

women's power

Why I love Cat

I have to come clean now, I found Cat around the same time I found Michelle, and I was immediately offended by the fact that she used "Blonde" in her blog title but was in fact not a blonde. Making fun of blondes is kind of like making fun of family, I can make fun of my own family, but others cannot make fun of them. I wasn't sure if she was making fun of my fellow blondes or not. Well, I am glad that I overcame my prejudices, because she is one of my favorite personal finance bloggers. She has her own blog, but she is a frequent contributor on two of my favorite blogs, Frugal Rules and Young Adult Money, and many of my favorite weekly posts on these blogs are written by Cat. She is currently pregnant (and due any minute) with twins, but looks fabulous! I can't wait to read what she writes after those two little ones come into her life.

Top 3 Blogs

  1. Cat recently pointed out the fact that Heidi and Spencer Pratt spent $10 million dollars and are now living a different lifestyle than they used to. Their story and others are great cautionary tales of trying to keep up with the Jones's or in their case, the Jay Z's.
  2. In a recent post, Cat pointed out the importance of checking your credit score. I know that sometimes it feels like stepping on the scale, but it is important to know where you are to know where you have to go.
  3. I can't wait to see how long this lasts, but Cat is planning on using cloth diapers with the twins to save money. As someone who despised the cost of diapers but hated laundry more, I hope it works out for her.

Alexa at Single Moms Income

women's power

Why I love Alexa

Well, I think her blog title says it all. She is raising two beautiful young girls and supporting her endeavors by hard work and hustling in blogging and other projects. I remember when I first started following blogs, I was surprised to see her name so much, I had no idea when she slept, and I still don't. She posts her growth goals online, and she is fast approaching an emergency fund close to $10,000, and that is SO impressive. Great work!

Top 3 Blogs

  1. Just this week Alexa shared her schedule of working from home when her two girls are home with her. As someone who only has one child who spends most of his day in school and still has a tough time getting her stuff done, I have to tip my hat to Alexa for her productivity.
  2. I have a number of stay at home mom friends, and Alexa recently shared a post on how you can make money as a stay at home mom.
  3. Alexa also shared how to start a side business in only one hour per day, again another great tip for stay at home moms or anyone else with limited time resources.

Do you follow these women? If so, why? If not, why not?